I purchased 3 jeans(Order ID: 11262602615, 3 Items) from snapdeal using freecharge go mastercard. Out of this, 2 jeans were delivered to me while the 3rd jean costing Rs. 440 was cancelled by snapdeal(Suborder Id: 14211877259) and initiated refund to my freecharge wallet on 23rd January 2016.
The problem is this amount Rs. 440 is yet to be Cred824ited in my account. I have been calling the snapdeal support everyday for the refund. They say they had already Cred824ited the money to my wallet and I should approach freecharge(Which they say is a separate company. but to my knowledge freecharge is already acquired by snapdeal). for the past two weeks I have been calling the customer support of snapdeal and freecharge but no solution till date. I had also raised the issue to freecharge but no positive response till date.
Here is the email communications regarding the issue I raised to freecharge
==May Jag
Feb 1(2 days ago)
to care
I purchased 3 jeans(Order ID: 11262602615, 3 Items) from snapdeal using freecharge go mastercard. Out of this, 2 jeans were delivered to me while the 3rd jean costing Rs. 440 was cancelled by snapdeal(Suborder Id: 14211877259) and initiated refund to my freecharge wallet on 23rd January 2016. The problem is this amount Rs. 440 is yet to be Cred824ited in my account. I have been calling the snapdeal support everyday for the refund. They say they had already Cred824ited the money to my wallet and I should approach freecharge(Which they say is a separate company. I also want to know if snapdeal and freecharge are separate company? because to my knowledge freecharge is already acquired by snapdeal).
So kindly look into the matter and Cred824it the refund in my wallet at the earliest
mayengbam Premal_Patelvas
care@freecharge.in via freshdesk.com
Feb 1(2 days ago)
to me
Dear May,
Thanks for writing in.
We dont like to see our customers upset and inconvenienced. We always strive to create a positive customer experience.
We are checking with our concerned team & will update you as soon as possible .
Co-operation from you is highly solicited.
Happy FreeCharging,
Customer Success Team
For Faster Recharge experience download FreeCharge Mobile App. Now Available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store
P.S: To ensure safe online transaction, refrain yourself from sharing your account / card information with anyone.
May Jag
2:12 PM(26 minutes ago)
to care
It is already two weeks now since snapdeal transfered the amount of Rs 440 in my account. I dont have any idea where it is Cred824ited. snapdeal says its already Cred824ited and you says its not received and I am stucked in between.
Great Service keep it up=
So in my opinion its another great way to loot customers by cancelling the orders and transferring the money to their secret accounts and telling the customers that the refund has been sent from snapdeal and on the other hand telling the customers that the refund has not been received in freecharge.