What do you do when Snapdeal eats up your money and shows the finger?
Despite numerous reminders, mails and interactions Snapdeal avoided issuing a refund till I decided enough was enough.
On Nov 2514 I took a bad decision to buy a hard drive from Snapdeal and I truly regret it. The sent me a Dead Drive. It was not even authorized to be sold in India and its warranty was over in Sep13!
When I asked for Refund they sent me another drive without my approval. After waiting for the second orders return they ignored by Refund request - telling me that money will go to my SnapDeal Cash Account which I will need to use within 6 months - to buy more junk from Snapdeal.
When I objected they kept ignoring my request TILL I posted their reviews online. They sent me a mail telling me a refund will be issued finally - but it did not come even after 2 weeks!
The refund FINALLY came on 16th Jan15 after I started sharing negative reviews online on all major social networks, and threatened to make it a viral campaign which will come to the notice of Snapdeal Top Management.
For those willing to shop on Snapdeal, this review will be an eye opener. It is my actual experience and not a happy go lucky company paid review.
In this review you will get to know how to get back your money from Snapdeal.
25th Nov14 - I was looking for a Hard Drive to add to my 3 yr old computer, so when I found a 160 GB drive - a Seagate one, although a PATA (an older technology) coming with a 2 year warranty, at Rs. 691/-, I decided to buy it as - COD - Cash on Delivery.
Snapdeal Order ID - 3710895165
3rd Dec14 - I received the order after 7 days as courier delayed it for some reasons. I paid and went ahead to connect the drive to my computer.
The drive delivered to me was a dead one and instead of 2 year warranty it showed on product when I purchased it, it was out of warranty - by seagate customer care and also - not even authorized to be sold in India. I have Seagate Customer Care mail with me.
This seller obviously is selling junk on snapdeal and did not even test the drive before packing it and sending it to me.
Snapdeal has no control over what these sellers are offering to customers and you can never be sure if you will get what you asked for.
4th Dec14 - I went to my snapdeal account and asked for a return and Refund. I never realized that this was just the beginning of a bad dream.
I got the bad hard drive picked for return - 3 days after reporting the issue.
The return form download link, sent by the Snapdeal Customer care did not work and they did not respond on 4 mails I sent to them repeatedly asking for a return form as in mail attachment.
8th Dec14 - The courier guy who came to pick the drive said that no form was required. The drive went back.
12th Dec14- I got another mail within 3 days saying that a new order for another drive has been generated and is being shipped to me.
I contacted Snapdeal customer care via mail and they told me that the order was shipped before they could process my refund request, so all I need to do is refuse the delivery.
On, 14th Dec, they sent me a mail saying once the new order arrives back, they will issue a request for refund.
On15th Dec, I got an sms saying that the new order is delayed by courier and they will update me on this in another 48 hrs.
On Dec18th I got a call from delivery boy from courier company and I told him on phone that I do not want this order, s take it back.
On Dec21st, I got a mail from Snapdeal telling me that finally my refund request is accepted and they have decided to put my money into their own SD Cash Account which I have to use within next 6 months!, So my money now remains with Snapdeal.
I have sent a reply telling them that I want my money in my own account, with all account details, but I have no option but to wait while these people do whatever they want to do! Snapdeal customer care is deceitful and insincere.
I cant find any other word that fits better to describe their working.
Dec 26, Its 7 days since I sent my last mail requesting a refund and they have yet to respond. I decided to share my review on Snapdeal online on various review and complaints websites.
Dec 2714 - My reviews finally woke them up and I got a call from Social Media Management team at Snapdeal Delhi office, apologizing and telling me that my refund will be issued in next 5 -7 days.
I even got their mail saying that! Yoohooo!
Jan0515 - I Got their mail on 27th telling me that they will issue a NEFT refund back to my account in 5-7 days and its not done even now.
I sent 2 mails asking for status of my refund and they are sleeping over it.
Days went by and I realized that It was just a scam. Their was no response to my mails. It was like - ANYBODY THERE? YOU CANT JUST CHEAT SOMEONE IN BROAD DAY LIGHT.
But their was no response. So, I decided to work harder to get back my money and posted numerous online reviews and share em daily on all networks.
Sure enough the bad word got their attention.
January 1615 - A goblin from Snapdeal called up from 011-66785200 saying the money will be transferred in another 3-4 days.
I really wonder if they are brain dead at work! Here I am blasting Snapdeal and they are saying few more days is not a problem. Hilarious this!
I told him that I am sharing reviews every day on all major networks like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Tumblr, Stumbleupon, Google Plus, Blogger, etc and it will keep growing till such time I get back my money.
I told him that such online sharing of negative reviews will get views from a lot many people and hopefully someone from Top Management will notice it too.
Further, I told him that - as I am documenting it all, it is obvious that top management will hold him responsible for letting this issue go this far and take action against him.
Well, after such a thorough beating the dimwit understood that I meant business. Sure enough I got a message from my bank that my money was back - It took just 20 Minutes!
I got back my money after a grueling 45 days of chasing these cheats. And I now know how hard it is for people to get their money back from such Frauds.
Heres what to do if Snapdeal is sitting on your money and you have been begging to these morons for a long time to issue a refund.
1. Write a complete and informative review on your interaction with snapdeal - please do share your order number.
2. Post the review on all major reviews and complaints portals with an appropriate heading. Once your review is posted please copy your review link in a word file. Keep adding to the list and keep posting.
*3. Start sharing your links on all networks like facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stumbleupon, Google+, outube, Slideshare, Blogger, Myspace on daily basis.
You can post these links at all possible places to get views. Create your accounts on all networks - they are Free!*
*4. Share it - keep the practice on - it wont take more than 15 minutes daily, but it will wake up all the dumbells working st Snapdeal. You will get the call - make it clear that unless you get your refund - you will continue.
5. Smile - You will get you money FAST!
What I feel about the whole Online Shopping thing - I would rather walk into a shop close to home, pick a product, pay for it even if it is 100 rs more. Its better than endless waiting, getting a dead product and realize that you have been cheated because it is not having any warranty and then wait for return and later - much later a refund.
Bottom line - It is too much of a hassle dealing with snapdeal. It was my first interaction and I am never going to even think buying from such online store.
They took my money and kept it despite numerous reminders. I am right in calling Snapdeal a Fraud!
NOTE: Snapdeal.Com is doing its best to manage its online reputation, without caring a dime about customer, so if you see an apologetic reply to this post - please understand these are mere copy paste lines and no more.
They had ample opportunity to sort the issue, but they chose to cheat me and they took 45 days to REFUND my money.
Still want to shop with Snapdeal? Read the Snapdeal paid happy one liner reviews!