I have been using flipcart and ebay for long and never faced any problem. This is the 1st time I used snapdeal to buy a mobile phone. Placed order on 18th Otct. On 26th I get a mail regretting a delay of another 3-4 days to ship. On 29th I send formal cancellation over mail.
I call them the same day and was told that the order was cancelled and Ill get a formal mail. I never recd any such mail, rather on 31st I get a mail saying the item has been shipped. I immediately called up, and was told not to receive the parcel, which will then get returned and I will get the refund. Today its 5th November, and the parcel is yet to reach, which I am supposed to cancel.
Please be careful of snapdeal. I think its a farcical and fraudulent company. At least thats been my experience thus far. That will lead to useless legal process to recover your monies.