Snapdeal is a website that posts fake offers to attract buyers, and when you purchased from there they give you fake tracking number, after few days they cancels those orders without contacting you. I Purchased a product on 5th Jan and the delivery time was 15th Jan. On 14th Jan when I login via mobile to snapdeal site and checked my order history their it shows tracking no. of blue dart site. When I track that no. on Blue Dart site their is written "Numbers not found".
Check Screen Shot:
On 15 Jan they cancelled my order and when I ask them reason for cancelling the orders, they give useless explanations and lies. They first lied to me that there was a technical error in their website, and when I argued with them to know the reason, they brought a new reason product is not available and they mistakenly post that offer on their website.
A very bad experience with snapdeal. In short, is a cheat and fraud website that would play with my money and posts fake offers with fake tracking numbers. My recommendation - Don’t use snapdeal for shopping purposes.
Snapdeal fake offer link page: