I am here to share my views on a very sad site : http://www.snapdeal.com. This site really has some great brains behind itself that know how to cheat the public. Their method is Get the users with awesome offers and cancel the orders later.
Their cheap service and support is always their to gain users to their site and later cancel the orders giving lame excuses. If their is a price error on the site what is our fault in it? We saw it and ordered the product.
That also proves that the so called site SNALDEAL has a poor site management too.
The link to that particular cancelled product still exists. Follow : https://bit.ly/XV2Szw
Incase they remove it I am also sharing the screenshots below.
Offer Page : https://prntscr.com/ot367
Cancelled Order : https://prntscr.com/ompur
Cancellation eMail : https://prntscr.com/ot3h6
And this is not for the first times.They have used this cheap tricks several times in the past.
I have been shopping online from the past 4-5 years and this is the most pathetic site I ever used.
Other sites such as eBay and flipkart pay penalty to the customers in form of virtual wallet or coupons, but sadly this site has given us nothing.
Therefore I request all my friends and dear users reading this to share this article everywhere they can and demand justice. This has to be dome in order to make sure nothing as such happens in future and the continuity of internet shopping is maintained.
Sites like snapdeal that use such cheap tricks have to do complete justice or have to shut down for the welfare of the customers.
Thanks and Regards,
A cheated and common internet customer.