I had purchased AOC LE32A6340/61 80 cm(32) HD Ready LED Television with order no 11947067202.
I had ordered on 24th feb 2016 . I had received it on 2, march, 2016.
I found that wall mount is not there in the pack.
I called to your customer care and intimated the issue on 3, march they said they resolve with in 48 hours.
I mailed the issue to help@snapdeal.com, kunal.bahl@snapdeal.com and info@snapdeal.com on 4, march.
I waited for their reply but I had not received any call or message from SNAPDEAL. so I registered for RETURN
on 5, march and even I dont get any call or msg finally on 8, march evening 7:10 PM I had received a call from customer care people i.e aftercompletion of 7 days of delivery stating that they will not provide any wall mount for that I asked her to go through the product description given in the web site Box contents - TV unit you had not given any thing like remote, batteries etc.what I thought was wall mount will also will be in it.one of my friend had purchased the same tv through aishwaryasingh23tm and he received wallmount and the cost is also very less. when SNAPDEAL people call me I asked them if you had given the specifications of in a Brief I may had choosen other site to purchase .even when I said toSNAPDEAL people regarding the items inside the box they said we wont give any wall mount.
pls go through the Attachment of items in the box from your website it is conveying that TV UNIT means all the items even the Wall mount .
snapdeal people called me and they are arguing TV UNIT means only TV. I asked them YOU have to describe the things which should be easily convey to the customers not to your company people.even they are not accepting their mistake.
jst by stating TVUNIT in the box they are cheating the customers.
even the customer people dont have any knowledge regarding any issues.when iam asking one question they are arguing only one thing wall mount will not be given.
EVen in the company Return criteria also they had stated -if the item varies as described,
in the website they had given TVUNIT- I asked them how the customer is going to think.
I dont know what is the need of framing the rules. but comming to the reality they dont follow they only argue when a customer asks a question.
I suggest you all not to purchase any ITEM from SNAPDEAL. as they are describing the item according to them not for customers view.