The very first time when I started shopping with it was very messy and unorganised like all startups are and I think everyone would agree to that. But now when I compare, it is one of the best online shopping spot. They have revamped it and now its one of the best e-commerce website.
There is a wide range of items and the deals are actually pretty good when compared to rest of the online shopping websites. Also the product quality is excellent and there is a very minute difference between the image on web and the actual product.
Coming to the delivery time, it is quite fast and also the return or refund turn around time is good. The customer service is pretty awesome and also are open to feedbacks and actually work on it.
To end, I would say that looking at all these what else would you need. And also this is an Indian company at its best. Promote make in India and start shopping. All the best and keep doing good.