I purchased 2 sets of Blankets
Yna Red And Brown Checks Blends Polar Fleece Blanket(buy One Get One) @ cost of Rs 449/- ORDER NO: 3540225639 -> This product was extremely bad than advertised. It is in no way a blanket and therefore amounts to CHEATING. I raised the issue to Customer Care. NO RESPONSE. I Left a review so that other Customers are warned about this Cheating, Snapdeal removed the Review. Therefore this Amounts to Intent to Cheat on Purpose with Fore Knowledge on part of Snapdeal.
Christys Collection Blue & Red Floral Blends Double Ac Blanket(Buy1 Get1) @ Cost of Rs 399/- Order No: 3540916313 -> There was no indication at the time of purchase that this is a thin blanket, The indicate a thick wollen blanket, So this also is a CHEATING. I have raised the Issue the Customer Care. No response. They have also marked the product as Not returnable. I Left a review so that other Customers are warned about this Cheating, Snapdeal removed the Review. Therefore this Amounts to Intent to Cheat on Purpose with Fore Knowledge on part of Snapdeal.
I urge Snapdeal to be more DECENT and TRANSPARENT in their in dealings. Imposing minimum image quality on the type of photo uploads on the products.