Well, I wont go into the details of how great the deals are, or that the UI is okay, or that Ive bought some decent deals from them in the past. Everyone knows that. I would rather get to the point, and give you a first hand customer feedback regarding their poor level of customer support. Did I say poor? Oops. I meant nonexistent.
So I bought a coupon from them in September. Discount on a gym membership and blah - blah. You know the kind. A nice deal. On their coupon, on the highlighted top right side, I read in big bold letters that the coupon expired on Oct 10. Great. a few days after I get back from a trip, and the perfect time for me to start gymming. So, I keep the coupon away, and plan to visit the place on the 9th or 10th, which is a convenient weekend.
When I take it out on the 8th, however, I read the section at the bottom, which saysOffer Details. Theres an expiry date written here, and its not 10th - Its the 6th. Great - so has my coupon expired, and have I lost the deal? If I have, is it fair, considering that their information was ambiguous, and I, as a customer, deserve the benefit of doubt? Logic tells me they were wrong, and even if their arrangement with the establishment was upto 6th, they should ideally make an exception and get me the deal. Fair? But thats asking for too much, because to actually get help, I first need to get their attention - and they really dont seem that interested.
Anyway, so I sent them a mail regarding this issue on the 8th. Well, its the 10th now. 48 hours and they dont even bother to reply, let alone try and solve my problem. Brilliant. Today, Ive sent another mail. Lets see whether they care - will keep you posted.
And yes - since they didnt reply on time, 6th or 10th just doesnt matter anymore. In any case, my coupon, my money and my time - are now wasted.