Guys Congratulate me.Its been a month since I ordered a phone (Prod id 939341271) from Snapdeal. Its still not delivered. For last 10-15 days they are showing "Product handed over to the courier please check after 12 hours."
When called they ask for time, if u ask to cancel they say once product is given to courier they can not cancel.
Anyways that I will resolve some way now I am gonna teach you their tricks and steps you can take on this site ( to aware & save some money of others.
Snapdeal is basically good for SD cards, Micro Sd cards and some other low cost pendrive type things. Bit late but u wl get ur product in time if u order these products. For rest of the products they are always out of stock.For which they say thy are so demanding that it finishes now I have 2 questions if really products are so much in demand & u r nt able to supply why we will buy from ur site?Why not market or some other site. And if there is not enough stock why dont u show that on site?
So if u buy COD and wait for the product thy will make u wait and ultimately will say product is out of stock and cancel the order.If u buy by paying before then they will make u wait forever.U r in trap. after 7-8 days of follow up they will show a blue dart fake AWB no. fr 1-2 day and later will change that to "Product handed to courier kindly check after 12 hours" Why? So that they can say once product is shipped they can not cancel the order.So ur money is stuck with them. Best thing to do now is to place a complaint in Consumer Forum. Which I am going to do soon.
Now about mouth if u write here then what are the possible things thats going to Happen?
If u write your story without order id they gonna reply like : "Dear Name, This shouldnt have happened.kindly share your order id which we will send to our team to escalate.Kindly give us some time.we will definitely help you regarding this."
If you write your story with order id the reply will be " Dear Name, This shouldnt have happened.We are sorry for the inconvenience caused we are sending your id to our team to escalate, Kindly give some time we will surely help you."
But these r all crap they definitely not going to do anything. In between some fake ids created by snapdeal only will go on writing about how good snapdeal is trust me these are mostly fake as U will never see any product id ever.
Now here is what you can do in this site to bring them down. please visit all the complaints read them.If u relate to pain and agony with your co sufferer just click Very Usefull Button and like the post. When you see some fake posts like snap deal is awesome, superb product awesome delivery etc click on Not Usefull and write "fake review by site people".
Keep doing this for all the posts and keep visiting this site.There current rank is 87% that is 87% people like Snapdeal they are saying if u go on doing this and bring it down then Site will get affected. Just share this with all your friends, relatives and known person and lets all join hands and make snapdeal suffer.There are some other ways too which I will share soon. Keep spreading the word.