This deal is mentioning flat 50% discount on Buffet at a 5 Star Hotel in Chandigarh. This is a totally inaccurate information because the whole mathematics is done to mislead customers to believe they are getting a discount that they are not. Here how the deal goes:
Veg/Non veg Lunch Buffet: Rs.675 at Rs.338+Taxes
Veg/Non veg Dinner Buffet: Rs.799 at Rs.399+Taxes
Interesting fact is K C Royals Buffet is for Rs. 675 & Rs. 799 inclusive of all taxes. However Snapdeal is showing as if it is 675 & 799+ Taxes which is not the case. Add to that the tokan amount of Rs. 50 that snapdeal charges. Effectively the discount to the customer comes at 36% & 37% respectively. We can easily find hundreds if not thousands of such misleading claims on Snapdeal which projects itself as the posterboy of Indian eCommerce but is it really the case.
A special mention should also go for the misleading marketing done by a 5 Star hotel just to get some customers in which clearly shows the management depth they have. I would have been coned to buy the buffet had a friend not intimated me about such traps snapdeal regularly lays for non suspecting consumers like us. This in turn leads to a consumers disbelief in other players in the market who might be doing the right things.
Thanks & regards.