Hello friends, myself Shruti Tiwari.now today im going to share my views about snapdeal.
When I was first time using the snapdeal app first I think that it was useless.but when I was nxt time using the same snapdeal they give me a bestest product guarenttee. I was ordered a speaker of Rs.1000 they give me a best speaker having great voice and a 10 days repalacement back if there is any happenning in it.And now im ordering on daily , weekly or a monthly basis .i had got best products.And the best thing is that they cant take any delievery charges .snapdeal have best products , guarenttee, warrantly , EMI option , replacement option , free delievery , called it out our own shops.if you have any doubts about your product called the customer care number.snapdeal contain best quality of products with time like you can order anything they will get you order and recieved to you address in time. Which they give to you .you can track your order through snapdeal websites app your email.
Thank you