I bought a cellphone samsung galaxy y order id:206048925, Order Placed On: 2011-11-04
I got the phone on 11/11/11 via bluedart AWB no:58547249762.but the phone is not working and also their no invoice in the box.I register a query regarding this at same time but they never replied.next day I have contacted to the service center for repair they tried to update the firmware but the issue was not resolved.they told that this manufacturing problem leave the handset here with complete bill, we will send this to company for repair or replacement but I havent the invoice so they not take my phone.I contact to snapdeal on 12/11/11 but they told they cant help right now coz system is updating or whatever technical issue. I called them many times for replacement of the phone and give the invoice.but they always saying cant help due to technical issue or giving a complaint no.for invoice not for replacement.and finally they forward a request for replacement on 18/11/2011.they arranged a reverse pickup bluedart guy came to take the consignment on 22/11/2011.AWB no:13391545403 received on 23rd nov, RecipientSandeep.I contacted to snapdeal after receiving they ask me for problem.they said that they will dispatch on next working day.but dont know how that is shipped on same day 23rd nov.via bluedart AWB no.43778095292 received on 26/11/2011.after opening the box Im getting shocked they have dispatch the same product which I have sent.i contacted after opening the box to the snapdeal team they have again register a complaint for this.complaint no.12983 I have talked some in rough language then they register a complaint for this.they are even not giving the reason for how this happens.earlier whenever I contacted they always say the product team is not available.where the all product team guys are going on all working days.snapdeal cheater, snapdeal cheater, snapdeal cheater .I think the positive reviews has been self posted by snapdeal.
just see a brand new handset from snapdeal handset box seal is already broken....used charger and usb cable , damaged phone useless , nothing to display on screen.this phone should be in dustbin.AND another funny thing that you laugh on snapdeal even micro sd card has same mp3 songs and pictures.
28/11/2011 @ 6:01pm
they call me right now on 5 pm and said that they will arranged reverse pickup within 2 days after that they will check again the handset .and then they consider what to do either replace or refund.
The reason given by them for this problem "they dont know how the samsung sends the same product".they think we are idiots.how it is possible phone received on 23rd nov @4:30 pm. and dispatched on same day may be it taken 2 hrs in dispatching .IN this short period how it is possible to check the device send to samsung for replacement again packing in new box and shipped in this time frame.samsung is not so careless that sends the same product.snapdeal should give genuine reason for this.well now Im again waiting when pickup will be arranged .so guys dont be idiot like me who trusted on snapdeal otherwise u will be feel cheated like me.
30/11/2011 @10:52 pm
product dispatched to their Delhi address via bluedart AWB no.13391577824 at 3:30 pm.
==first time it is really good to hear from snapdeal they call me to confirm that we have committed time for reverse pickup is 2 days did you got any response from bluedart or not. at least snapdeal is improving in their service and support. ==
03/12/2011 @12:02 pm
yesterday I got another call from snapdeal in morning 02/12/2011 they told me that the phone is working and they are able to lock unlock the phone.may be phone is working temporarily after restarting and changing the sim card there is same problem again sometime after restarting the phone it also works for me before its going restarted.They said that there is no pictures and songs in the card well Im not careless like you guys.I had formated the sd card before packing again coz there are my personal photos and PDF documents.thats why I have formated the card.Anyway this phone is not works for me and it is defective piece my new phone is not working properly so I dont wanna repair . I want replacement of the phone .