My Velex Tracking number is 92217211951. Snapdeal has sent the item on 16th Dec. and still till 23nd Dec. I have not received the package. When I track the item on their site they have just mentioned that the item has been shipped from one location to another location.
Even after 5 days they still have the same status.! haha. in which age they are living? I tried calling them almost 40 times, the phone just rings and no one picks up the call. Or some time the message comes saying phone is busy. I am not sure why Snapdeal is using such a crap logistic where services like DTDC, Bluedart are available.
Just to save some bucks? Please charge us shipping cost, but send the items through some renowned Courier service. And please dont use such a pathetic logistic. I will really think next time to buy anything from Snapdeal if they continue to use Velex Logistic.