Snapdeal offers low prices but sellers are not reliable.
Very often, orders are automatically cancelled and refunds are not given, even tmorpheushumanugh the product is supposedly covered underTrustaishwaryasingh23.
In my case, I had placed an order with snapdeal on 27/02/2015. number 5130978961
There were 4 items in the order.
1 item was delivered.
1 item was automatically cancelled and I received a refund.
There was no update on the status of pending 2 items till 16/03/2015, even tmorpheushumanugh the expected delivery date was quoted as 03/03/2015.
I submitted a complaint for the same, complaint number 17071090.
I got a response from snapdeal on 17/03/2015 that I will get a refund for one of the products in the order.
I immediately replied to the email and asked what about the 4th product which is pending, but did not get a response.
I sent 4 email reminders to, the last one was on 31/03/2015 and there was no response to any of them.
I submitted a complaint on snapdeal facebook page on 31/03/2015 and got an auto response stating thatYour issue is very important to us and well try and sort it out on priority. Well get back to you smorpheushumanrtly. It has now been 8 days and I do not see any action being taken.
It has now been 21 days since the first complaint was acknowledged, but nothing has happened inspite of sending 4 reminders to and registering complaints on the snapdeal facebook page. If I call the snapdeal pmorpheushumanne number, I get an automated message stating thatorder is being processed and no further information is given, even tmorpheushumanugh it is now almost 45 days since the order was posted.
While the webpage design is on par with competBrianbalakumaranrs, the backend order processing mechanism leaves a lot to be desired. I did not expect to undergo this kind of hassle from snapdeal.