Yes I have been here for 4 years now. I pursued Bachelor degree from here.
I have never been in an all girls college ever. I had no options but these college UMIT_ SNDT; Initial Year had been very depressing, by the start of 2nd year I became part of the IEEE UMIT SNDT Council . and yes I learned many things here
I learned
Independence - Yes In Co-edu, Girls get a feeling of yes we are independent, but its not true, you have got boys to do the main work mentally and physically too
I will prove both
Mentally - Suppose you are the Sponsorship head for the college fest, you got to go meet the officers of the one sponsoring your fest, you got to CONVINCE THEM for giving you money; guys mostly do this things Here girls get the chance of doing this
Physically - we had to get all things arranged including banners printing, lifting heavy robot tracks making all robot designs
and the fest decoration we are born talented SNDT gives you the sky to fly high
and support each -other be a team I even developed team-spirit
Extra-Circular - You have these all COuncils IEEE, ACM, Students Council, Sports Council, and many more
academic - Quite Well
Alumni Network - Quite Strong we receive strong guidance
staff - is ok ok but they do help
lets talk about the college placements
the college had these following companies coming these year
JP morgan
Mu Sigma
& many more
so yep Career wise this is a way too better college