I have played soccer ever since I was first able to when I was 4 years old. I remember the first league I was in, it was called Pups. There were only 5 or 6 kids who played on each of the Pups teams, but they sure were fun. Since then Ive won three state championships, like 30 or 40 tournaments for travel, 11 straight years of championship teams in rec, and like 7 or 8 years in indoor soccer action. I have had my taste of soccer, and even though Ive quit playing now as to improve on my wrestling skills, I still remember my fond memorys.
Soccer, or Football in Asia, is played with a ball that comes in three different sizes depending on the age group. The younger players would use a size 3, the middle age group would use size 4, and older players like U-13 and up would use a size 5 ball. You play on a 100-130 yard field with a goal on each side where each team is trying to get the ball into the other teams goal. There are eleven players with a usual pattern of three forwards, four midfields, three backs, and the goalie. The goalie is the only player allowed to use his hands to touch the ball, the other players must use their feet in a formation of dribbling.
Dribbling is kind of like basketball, only youre using your feet. Multiple small kicks as youre running down the field is dribbling for Soccer. Each team is trying to score a goal against the other team by using soccer skills to trick an upcoming player or passing the ball to one of their teammates to advance the ball up the field. Speed, skill, and mental stability is needed to play soccer right, but of course anyone could play soccer, but those three characteristics are needed to play all the way up through high school and college.