Mr. Oberoi is a wealthy industrialist, and lives a comfortable lifestyle, with this two sons. The elder is married, and he wants the second one, Viren, to also marry. He has already selected a bride for him in the shape and form of Aditi Malhotra. Vjren has always lived in his father and brothers shadows, he is romantically inclined, and hopes to fall in love first and then marry the girl of his choice. The presence of Aditi prevents this, and he makes all attempts to not marry her.
He succeeds, the wedding arrangements are all called off. Then he meets the girl of his dreams, Karen Fernandes, and proposes marriage to her. The only setback he sees that she Catholic, and he is Hindu, but that is soon overcome. Everything seems to go on smoothly between the Fernandes and Oberoi families, when Viren falls out of love with Karen, and wants to cancel the wedding. When questioned about his change in mind, he responds that he is in love with Aditi. But Aditi will not have anything to do with him anymore, for she is getting engaged to a childhood friend, Mahesh, and she very forthrightly tells Viren to his face that she will only marry Mahesh and no one else.
The twist comes here or shall we say - sence for true love !! Aditi when convinces Viren that they cannot marry, its on the day of wedding that she realizes that he is actually the one with whom she will be happy . Aditi picks Viren from his office (after his presentation is over) & they elop!! Its a very very sweet story & can happen to anyone in reality, that is rather than spending a lifetime miserably with the one whom you have committed , one should marry only the one whom you love & not to compromise as it never lasts long.
In the end the way Aditi behaved it is completely like me. I also got married to my husband (though love & arrange) in a rush as I do not believe in waiting but to get it when you are sure that it the one for you !!
The ones who believe in true love or realistic love stories must see this cute movie!!