My wife and I woke up one morning and she set about to make tea. She opened the usual Society tea, a new packet and horror of horrors there was a big bug, lying dead and all green with tea. It was packed 4 months earlier as per the date on it. We had been regular customers for nearly two years and suddenly this! We returned the packet to the grocer and got a red label instead.
The grocer collected a letter from us and sent it to the company. The company representative took away the packet from the grocer and that was the end of the story. We never used Society again(cant seem to overcome the early morning vision of a bug). We told everyone we know about this and they are avoiding it too(imagine if there are small bugs the size of a tea lump)
Society tea makes a big publicity about its product but has not ensured the quality. They should see that the packaging center is free of bugs and well lit to avoid such incidences. It is very difficult to get customers to use a product like tea as it is very brand specific. People try out others just to know the quality and stick to it only if it is perfect in each sense.