I was on a shopping with my mom where I saw this sogo coffee maker. I was not really looking for a coffee maker but the design was so appealing for me that I coudnt stop myself from purchasing it . And even the price factor was in favours which attracted me more towards this product. I bought it for Rs. 1300 which was worth buying. The product offers you all the required features with a great out look in a very reasonable price. It is in black color which makes it look a way more elegant.
So how can anyone stop themselves from not buying it. This coffee maker can make 8 cups of coffee in a single go, which is really amazing. The capacity is to hold is really nice. It provides you a lot of feautres like automatic drip coffee maker , funnel with revolver, heat resistant glass carafe with lid, automatic keep warm & ultrawarm safeguard, permanent filter with handle, pilot light, special design of loose-proof steel ring on carafe. It is indeed a very good product .Highly recommended .