At the start itself I am gonna let you know, Ashley Judd looks hot! when she is in tears, her eyes radiate extra light with tear drops in them, there are many times Ashley cried in our movie, with her crying so many times, thats a guarantee I like this movie after getting ditched by her guy, she becomes wise, but who will ditch a girl like Ashley Judd.
The movie has abundance of romantic moments, it starts with romance in the air, Greg Kinnear(Ray Brown) joins the studio where Ashley Judd works as production assistant. This studio produces a regular talk show, this film is not about the show itself, but the people who work there and what all relationships evolve in a studio atmosphere.
Ellen Barkin(Diane Roberts) is the host and producer of this show, she is a liberated women and looks for model guests and challenging topics for womens empowerment, one time she likes the write up in a magazine, she puts her staff to track the writer and plans to bring her as guest.
HUGH JACKMAN: He is the man with the wings in X-MEN, here he is a engineer of some sort in the studio, we never see him doing work, we see him always around Ashley Judd, talking to her, teasing her etc., Jane Goodale(Ashley Judd) says about him Eddi makes every topic sound like sex topic. Hugh Jackman looked handsome and very much human in someone like you. It was a shocker to see him without wings for the first time, we are exposed to so much promotion of X-MEN, it was a good change to see this actor in a different role and it was a enjoyable role too.
Ashley Judd(Jane Goodale) falls for Greg Kinnear(Ray Brown) and fall out, this falling in and out is the greater part of the movie mixing with the part of Eddie, how Jane and Eddie become room mates and why Eddie has not repaired door of his guest room are small bits and bytes which make you love this movie, it is very light, my review is making it sound serious, but it is all the way laced with humor. I will give details about that later. Clean laughs, eye candy both for guys/gals and very predictable plot, the fun is not that you know what is going to happen next, but the fun is you are eager to see the reactions of the things you expect on the faces of Hugh Jackman and Ashley Judd, we are happy to see the emotions on the faces we like.
We have SABINE SINGH again here with very small role, she looked again delicious, Ashley Judd stealing glances all the time looked too much attractive, her way of rotating head in full circle was fun to watch, this is the first film which made me become fan of Ashley Judd. I took good notice of HUGH JACKMAN too, he stands out in this film and also the role he plays is full of light moments and some romance, he crashed his wings image with a romantic guy fully well. There is not sprouting of wings when ever he gets angry. It is all likeable and the pace is good too.
Ellen Barkin even though middle aged I guess, looked super with her MENS shirt sliding down over her shoulder and that is the dress she wears to her office. I dare any of us to do it in India, she portrayed very well the happy face of a women when her love life comes back on right track. Even Greg Kinnear looked a undecided male very well, he looked a bit anemic but the role demanded that look from him, there are some happy moments all around.
Other actress is Marisa Tomei(Liz) played a friend of Jane and they both looked like real life friends, the chemistry between Ashley and Marisa was too good, they were the shoulders for each other in sharing the stories of love and hate.
Can you imagine, cows are a prop used in this film to make all of us laugh, they are there from the beginning and they come from time to time parading to make us giggle and laugh. Cows are used very creatively by the director to bring light moments in this romantic film. The subject of Cows and Bulls is quiet funny and hilariously dealt in details here.
A happy movie can watch anytime and any season of the year, clean also without any F word or other vulgar words so common these days, even films dealing with presidents and high army officers are given vulgar dialogues for the shock value. Here it is prominent because of its absence. I specially enjoyed the scene where JANE says I felt happy and good during the affair.
This dialogue reinforces my beliefs. I respect a thing when it makes me happy and which excites me. I dont let the world, friends, relatives, associates dictate me what must be respected and what must be ignored. I do not have a peer, my supply chain is me first and then diverse and multiple. I know equilibrium needs constant managing, when you loose it, you will loose the way to be happy, you will loose the meaning of your emotions, your heart, your thoughts, you become unimportant to yourself. You will start running down everyone around you, to make you feel happy and tall, because from inside you have lost it completely. Respect your own feelings, start nourishing your feel good rein forcers.
I have a friend he passes me small chores to complete thinking that he is bossing me, but actually the fact is he is passing up the ability to complete a task all by himself, lowering internally his self worth and becoming dependant on me for his pleasure, my unhappiness, my discomfort is his happiness. He has surrendered himself to me, without realizing it.
Yo! self alleviation can be main goal of life!