My name is Mayuri Kharat and I am the latest entrant of the so calledRoyal Enfield Legacy. I have booked a Royal Enfield Thunderbird on 26/06/2015(Rs.5000/-) .Part payments were made on 4/07/2015(Rs 30, 000/-),
9/07/2015(Rs.1, 00, 000/-) and 24/07/2015(Rs.23, 300/-). Following this, is a nice list of the lovely experiences I have had at the concerned dealership(Soniya Motors, Bhandup West, Mumbai).
My first point of interaction was the Honble Mr.Yakub . I went to the concerned dealership through a friends reference . On the basis of that, I was falsely promised a Thunderbird within 10 days of booking.
Once the money is shifted from my bank account to the dealeships pocket, then begins the procedure to take the customer for a nice sweet ride. Everytime we call to ask about the status of the bike, the Honble Mr. Yakub plays the Honble Mr.Forgetful . Asks us leading questions, so that he can shift the onus of delay upon the customer.
3.Second quality I very much well appreciated is that maybe Soniya Motors, Bhandup West, Mumbai inducts aHow to behave indifferent and lie unflinchingly and shamelessly to customers course in training proram. And I think they skip the soft skills course, to save on costs.Everytime I have paid a visit to the dealership, I was treated like I have come there for free refreshments, and not to make a payment.
4.There is no transperancy, accountability, honesty, ability to live up to their word in the staff of Soniya Motors Royal Enfield. I was promised the bike within 10 days, but the waiting period tripled.I accept that there has been delay from my side as well, because of my demand of a special number, but the extremely honest Honble Mr Yakub has not left any stone unturned, to push the onus of delay on me.
5.Well before the day of delivery, I have informed Honble Mr.Yakub that I do not intend to have a special number, give me any number you recieve. But Mr.Forgetful turned up again.Oh Sir, I forgot.Il give you the number within three days.
After three days, Oh Sir, it will take more 4 days
After Four days, Oh Sir, It takes a minimum 15 days to get a bike registered
My question to Mr.Yakub is
, Why didnt you initiate the procedure some time before?
Did Mr.Forgetful in you turn up again?
Why didnt yo inform me in the start that it takes 15-20 days to get a bike registered?
My conclusion would be-
Royal Enfield is only concentrating on making profits, and it does not have any concern for Customer Service.
The employees and dealerships are basking in the glory of the product, and have developed a high handed and callous attitude towards its customers, just like a loathsome Government Office. "If you dont buy my bike, 10 people are in queue to purchase it, please move aside"
3.More than inordinate delay, what a customer hates isdishonesty andunethical sales tactics. but the company is busy counting on its profits, than on concentrating on issues like these.
To end it, I would like to saythat,
My family has a 1973 and a 1988 standard Royal Enfield, and till now, I was proud to be part of the so called Legacy. I was intending to purchase a few more, but not now. You have just lost a customer, not because of the product, but solely because of the attitude the company has towards its customers.
I hope my issue is addressed and taken care of, and not kept aside like a dirty file in this prestigious Government Office.