In this film the sonu and titu are best friends from their childhood and theres a girlfriend of titu that only wants money. and titu ask sonu to what to do.and then sonu says that do break up with her. even titu had given the keys of locker to his girlfriend and he takes that back. they both were rich by their grandfather which is the owner of world famous sweet shop Ghasitaram. and after that titu ask for arrange marriage and then he meets sweety then both of them likes each another. but in interval sweety tells and challenging sonu that sweety is not a good girl and she wants only money after marriage. and after that sonu vs sweety the war begin l. but at the end at the titus marriage. sonu asked titu for two options. if sonu then not sweety and second one that. if sweety then not sonu. but titu choose his friend sonu and leave sweety. the film is over.
Acting is good.
songs are very good.