Well live always been a faithful sony consumer be it dvd player cameras mobile or just ray writer. Sony product have been in my family even before I ws born till date had used 5 sony tv the first tv lasted for 27 years and the gas leaked from the tube and the other 3 were given to famly we fund the need to upgrade our tv last year since it seemed samll and dad wound t buy anything but a sony.
Decided weed pick up a 50 inch monilithic and headed to the nearest sony center to my bad luch to 50 inches was stopped and a 46 inch was der browising the shop I saw the 3d tv took a demo and went wow dits is beter then the theaters no headaches no discomfort nothing.
There was a5 inch which we lovd its measurement s in came home and dam it there were just 2 inches gaps a both sides nt good went back a devided on a 46 incher picked up the monolitiss got 9 3d blue rays frea blue ray player a stand with inbuit seaker and 2 sterescpic glasses a great deal picked up 2 extra glasses.so I like this