This is just an incredible starter camera package for anyone who is interested in getting into DSLR. If youve only ever used a point and shoot, dont be intimidated by all the possible functions on this camera! Like a P&S, it has a lot of pre-sets that you can use as you get familiar with the camera – then get a good beginners photography book and REALLY start learning how to use the camera. The clarity of the pictures, along with features like the sports shot repeater(lets you take 2-3 pictures a second) are just fabulous. Sure, this isnt aprofessional camera(if you listen to the snobs) but for my abilities and desire to take good shots, its a great camera. The key difference between this camera and the a230 is that this one offers "Live View" – meaning that you can compose your picture(in real time) using the LCD monitor. I thought it would be useful to have, but find myself using theold school view finder just as much, if not more.
All in all, this a great camera. The only missing item is a remote, but I can live with that. Also, the mechanicalnoise can seem a bit loud when youre in a quiet, wooded setting trying to capture that perfect picture of a deer grazing. but then again, the deer did look up at me!