Excellent picture quality, definitely better than LG and Samsung models
43” screen size – relatively larger size in its category
Full HD and active 3D TV
Better esthetics – looks are great, slim in design
Keyboard and mouse compatibility( earlier models of Sony were not having this feature)
4 HDMI inputs
Comes with Opera TV Store App – web based applications for video and audio apps
Opera browser – works just OK
It’s pricier than any other brands, at least 10K-15K pricier than other brand models.
Only 2 USB ports.
Most of the times Wi-Fi connectivity is an issue, somewhat better after the recent s/w upgrade but still it nags frequently, especially the YouTube app troubles in connectivity. The best way is to switch on the Wi-Fi router first and then start the TV, so that most of the times it connects.
Not a complete Android based TV, so not all android apps are available, only very limited apps are available from Google store. For example YouTube, I guess it’s not based on android as it is not available in the store, we cannot uninstall/re-install most of the apps.
It’s not Google Chrome Browser but Opera browser, every time we move the mouse right upper corner it shows half of the screen history/tabs/bookmarks icons, bit annoying.
Sound quality is not so great in 800C model, it is just OK – if you are very particular about audio quality and have more budget then go for 950C model.
No Skype and no Camera attached
No 3D glasses, they have to be bought separately. Since its active 3D glasses it more expensive.
No magic remote comes along with the TV. It has to be bought separately. Albeit, the magic remote is not so great, it is touch pad based remote, typing is not easy using this magic remote.