I want to share my experience here just to make you people aware that yeah I too loved this product in the begining but truly speaking today I regret the day when I read good words about this product frm a mouthshut member and decided to buy this product.I just want to make others, who are planning to buy this cheap product in coming time, cautios as itll prove to be a bad debt for them if they do so.
I bought my sonya bravia 32" lcd in Nov 2007 and its not been even three years that the LCDs gone powerless..when we try to start it the power led stays off..i called d service centre people...they sent an engineer who examined the tv took Rs 100 as visit charge and asked to take it to the sevice centre only..after that I took it there and on the 2nd day I got to know that "a panel" in the tv has to be replaced as sony dsnt have repair policy n d cost of the panel is Rs 10213/ I coudnt believe my ears as I bought the tv for Rs 53000 and in such a short time id have to pay another 10k. Not acceptable at all!
When I further enquired about this on net I just start regretting the day when id decided to get this product for me..everyone here had similar problems and in every problem the service centre says the same thing "panel has to be replaced which costs nearly 20-30% of the price of the tv" and nother thing which is quite surprising as well that every panels life is just 2 or 3 years.for reference you can visit the consumer court site and type "Sony Bravia LCD high panel cost" in search tab n youll get to know what im telling here.
Im amazed to see so many complaints and even more amzed to see how sony india customer care team tried to justify there incomptencies.
I hereby request people not to even think of this good for nothing product in future.
Im at the same time feeling sorry for the people who are having this product coz they are going to face a hard time soon.
But yeah im not gonna give up so easily. If I have to pay my hard earned 10k here..i will surely get this ......... companys sales down by 10% in my city if not in all over India.
I am now bound to use every channel be it local media both print and electronic or leading news channels to make it an issue and make people aware of the disease called Sony India Team.
Plz Plz Plz do not buy Sony Products!!!
CST No: AB-5090641
Job Info: GAP7179
Tv Model No: KLV-32V300A 17726407
Serial No: 6202914
V. K . S.