Hi all...
I am not a professional photographer, but like to use cameras...With limited ability and knowledge, I still am a good photographer & can do wonders with photos on computer...
A long time dream was to own a handycam...finally got Sony Handycam,
DCR-TRV285E or Digital8 or D8 (Model Number is correct, nicknames are of same Model or similar models).
When I decided to purchase, I was looking for a handycam with ability to connect on PC for data transfer.
I went through details of HAndycams with memorycards, direct to DVD, etc. Could have afforded handycams with memory cards, but affordable memory cards come with less memory (Something Rs.1500 for M.Crd which records 60minutes video), the M.Cards which had larger memory were too costly for my wallet.
So finally I found this D8, moderatly priced around 18000. I will list down Cons, Pros & Troubleshooting now (Please remember am not technical expert in this field) :
Cons :
1.Bit heavy (Ok for this price, and u get used to this)
2.Cannot srote PHOTO as JPG. (U can capture frame Image as 640 x 480 resolution by any Video Editing Tool like Windows Movie Maker, Pinnacle Studio, etc.)
4.Default battery approx.90minutes with LCD, approx.120 minutes without LCD...Note ZOOM, etc reduces balance battery time.
5.Sonys Extra Orignal BAtteries comes Costly.
6.While transferring data to PC, whole cassette or the scenes which u want to transferr to PC has to be played.
7.It takes huge time and LArge Hard-disk space to transfer data to pc, and finally get it converted to a VCD (MPEG) Format.
- Nearly useless softwares with limited HELP Information in CD which comes along with this Handycam.
9.Free Handycam bag is small, means conjested for required accessories. (Adapter, Wire, Cam to TV Wire, Cassettes, etc)
Pros :
1.Amazing, Just Amazing Picture and Sterio-Sound Clarity (12 - 16 bit)
2.Clear Optical Zoom, and more than OK Digital Zoom (Tripod Suggested)
3.Cheap but Effective Media - D8/Hi8 Cassettes @Rs.125/- for 60 minutes recording in SP Mode.
4.Well Positioned Buttons for recording ease.
5.Good Easy Handycam Function.
6.Good Functions like NightShot, Flash Light & Good Options Like Backlit, Various Picture Effects & Modes.
6 Pros vs 9 Cons, but dont at all go by this numerical comparision.
This baby is Paisa Vasool for the rate vs Quality which U get it.
Troubleshoot : (My Experiences)
1.Default battery is insufficient, try practising shooting with LCD Closed and not necessary to hold viewfinder near to eye, with a little hang of this cam, U can easily shoot zoom with viewfinder 4-5 inches away from eye. Or else get a new Long Life Battery depending on your requirement and budget.
Learning above technique is always better as under bright SunLight, LCD is hardly visible.
2.Did first ever video shooting for my sons birthday, length @20 minutes. Decided to convert to CD. Loaded Driver (Windows XP suggested ** Infact this is only alternative for huge GIF file that generates for Data Transfer)
Connected to USB port, SwOn PC, after launching Windows XP, SwOn Camera (Pls Connect to Adapter as it takes time and battery)
(SwOn camera first & then SwOn PC may damage your CameraAlso Dont Disconnect while data transfer is in Progress to avoid regretting)
Tried to RECORD from Windows Movie Maker, but it was was converting in 320 x 120 (Something like this small) size..Did R&D on various resolutions (But required option for VCD resolution was missing.
So pressed BURN VCD Option on HandyCam, after selecting normal menu options on PC & Cam (Save Directory, etc), finally data transfer started. It is transferred in segments of 10minutes each.
First 10 minutes was copied in Runtime (means in 10 minutes) & then my PC (P4, moderate 256mb RAM, basic Graphic Card) took nearly 50 minutes to make a GIF File (Approx. 4GB), and then converting it to MPEG format & finally after repeated same procedure for balance 10 minutes video transfer.
2 big hours to convert a video of 20 minutes to VCD format and that too while converting through USB connection, Video Quality was PAthetic & Cheap.
I lost heart that day and my wife questioned my decision and took fun in taunting me ;-), Only married people knows this pain.
Anyway I dint loose heart, for next 2 days, keeping all office work aside, I did research on net for this Issue, got solutions in segments scattered on net.
On one fine Sunday morning, immediately after my Salary I got Fifewire Card (Some IEEE 3314, aisa hi kuch naam hain) which with Installation & Firewire (4pin-Handycam to 6pin-PC) cable costed me Rs.1050/-
(Pls Note Sony suggests 4pin to 4pin cable but in my case 4pin to 6 pin cable works perfectly fine cos I connect Cable first, then start PC and then Handycam.)
I had loaded Pinnacle Studio 9 software by then, Enhanced my RAM to 512mb, and had freed 15 GB Dedicated space (E:) on my Hard-Disk (Segmented C, D & E) in And then I started transferring data from Handycam to PC.
And whoaa...This was it, my same 20minutes video was converted as it is with near equal video clarity, minus sound disturbance & finally CD writing everything in just 25 minutes...That means nearly in RealTime...
After that I did many trial and errors, Converted 7 Cassettes of 60 minutes each, Did various things on video with Pinnacle Studio, Got advice cum notice from wife to marry my Comouter etc etc...But thats a different Story...
So friends facing similar problems with Sony D8 handycam, dont loose heart, you have taken a good Decision on Owning this Handycam and are getting back what u paid, for high-end features, pay more and get high-end camera ^o^
...Remember, Solutions are born before Problems...
Happy Movie Making...:)