... you never know the true value of things till you search for it in the market and compare it with others. I am sorry but it was an excerpt from an article of mine published in The Statesman.
Straightforward from now, September 2005 Digit rated DSC P200 as the best buy due to its good-value-for-money factor, else throughout its review it rated DSC H1 as a professional level and the best camera.
Most reviews will tell you about its features, but most of you can get features from all over the net and from the shop itself. What I will says is what makes it better/worse.
DSC H1 has the best colour reproduction compared to all contemporary and competitive Sony and non-Sony products.
It has a great EVF (electronic view finder), and professional or learned photographers will know why its so helpful.
It has the MOST POWERFUL FLASH among all its competitors
It has 12X optical zoom, which is simply four times greater than any competitor. With 12X zoom and 5.1 Mega-pixel, it is enough for any intermediate-advanced user.
It has a raised angle pop-up flash which flashes from a distance above the lens, making the illumination more real.
It has a pretty good video capability at 640x480 resolution at 30 frames per second.
Its manual features are simply overwhelming and more in numbers compared to many competing products. aperture, exposure, shutter-speed, focus, depth of field, etc... all can be adjusted manually with that innovative slide-wheel placed in front of your left index finger on the camera
It has fast automatic focus response time and its manual focusing is simply awesome. As a layman explanation, you can manually move the focus sing-rectangle to any area of the screen and focus there.
It has a good battery backup if the LCD is switched off and the small EVF is used. And while displaying/reviewing the pics one may switch back to its large LCD.
Very good Macro Mode!
The only negative point that I could find is that it doesnt have an external Flash-Trigger connecting support! (Though rarely will anyone want that, with its inbuilt huge flash.)
And if you really want to see some really exquisite pictures through this camera... see the my picture collection in my blog. People all over the place has said that they are simply superb. https://shamasis.net/blog/