Ive used the camera for one year now. Im an ametuer. my son was 1yr old, and I used it mainly to shoot him. its usually difficult with small digital cameras to photograph kids, because they move around, and the click has to be made at the right time. this one has a reasonably fast response, and found satisfying.
After about 6 months, the battery life had started coming down. Initialy I could recharge once and use for more than 100 photos. nowadays, it comes only for about 40. and the charge doesnt last for more than 2 days, if unused.
I had very bad experience with sony with my handicam. it required repair twice in two years. and the repairs are very expensive. their service charge was 2000/- and the charged prohibitively for parts. after one year of use, last week, suddenly the camera stopped working . I gave it for a checkup (for which they charge 250/-) . now they told the optical unit is at fault, itll cose rs 16, 000/- for repair (3 zeros not 2) !!! new one costs about 20, 000/-.
After paying a handsome amount for this camera, I would expect it to last atleast 3-4 years, but one year is very short. it has come very handy till now, but now, I dont want to buy sony ever again, even a sony battery. bye sony.