Sony is a cleaver marketer and uses advertising to mislead consumers into believng that its product has something uniqe, even though all other manufecturers has the featurs that Sony has and even more.
Basically Sony is not a camera company, unlike Canon and even Kodak it has no heritage in this line.
Still they manage to run the show by hypnotizing consumers by intensive advertising and pricing their product at a premium, making people believe that Sony is "Like No Other".
Yes they are definately like no other when it comes to taking good photographs. Sony is the worst camera brand one can come across. This I realised after purchasing the T-77, which looks and feels great in the hand but shows its true colour after one spend some time with it.
None of the photographs taken with a Sony are sharp and night shots should better not be taken. The inbuilt Sony flash is just for show, it does not help in any way even in day time indoor shots, leave alone night shots
This is the reason Sony keeps most product for one year only and launch a new one with minor changes and name change to make people believe they have a better product this time around.
But the truth is, Sony is no good when it comes to camera manufecturing. Sony surely knows one thing and one thing only, "How to make money by misleading consumers", nothing more nothing less.