There is no question that this CD player is the most popular for its price range ($50-$100). With Sonys new G-Protection, and the car kit, it is a great deal.
Except for these two features, it is the same as any other Discman out there. The same bulky size, crappy buttons, and cheap headphones. The sound quality is less than perfect, and even tough it has the option to recharge the batteries when it is plugged into the wall, it doesnt come with rechargeable batteries. But this is to be expected, considering the price.
About the only exceptional feature in the whole discman. Nobody but Sony knows how it works, but what I don know, is that it is the best skip protection available. Take it in the car, take it on your bike, hell, take it running with you as long as you dont mind holding it in your hand, and it will never skip! I have been using CD Players with G-Protection for two years, and wouldnt ever settle for anything less.
<b>Car Kit</b>
The car kit that comes with the player is the same as any other car kit, except that it is supplied with the player, and you dont have to buy it seprately. Basically, it is a tape on a string. You plug one end of the string into the headphone jack of the discman, and the tape into your tape player, turn on your tape player, and you can listen to your CDs in the car! Included is a power cord that enables you to plug your CD player into the cigarette lighter, and dont have to waste your batteries.
<b>Size / Durability</b>
Nothing special here. It is about as big and bulky as all the other CD players out there in this price range. It come with a heat resistant lid, so you can leave it in a hot car and the CD inside it wont melt. It is fairly durable thanks to its bulky size.
<b>Battery Life</b>
The battery life is nothing exceptional for Sony, but it is probably the best in its price range. Sony advertises 32 hours, but your lucky if you get more than twenty out of it. If you buy rechargeable batteries, you can recharge them in the CD player when it is plugged into the wall. Just remember that if you recharge them when they arent completely drained, it lowers their life. You can rejuvenate them by completely draining them and charging them a few times.
Nothing special here either. I have to say it is a bit of a disappointment for Sony, but again, average for the price
range. The headphones that come with it are pretty crappy, so you will probably want to spend $15 on a slightly better pair. But dont expect to get anything better with the other models out there.
This is the seller. You can get all this for $70! Best Buy and Circuit City carry it. Online you can find it at,,, etc. There is no question, if you are looking for a CD player under $100 this is the one to get.