Its a very affordable peice of technology to experience theatre at home.but room should be small in which it should be kept to experience good theatrical sound. Only original dvds with 5.1 sound would give theatrical sound but only in a small room and in peace. The subwoofer if kept in the corner can give the correct bass. Yes of course, while installing speakers please check the placement and install speakers on the right place to experience the true theatrical sound at home. It doesnt have any equilizer in the player but the sound which comes out is good and can be enjoyed.
By going into menu and setting the custom settings, you can change the levels of different can be increased or decreased excepting the front speakers (right and left). There are two picture modes- progressive and interlaced. Progressive is better then interlaced as it can scan the image correctly while it is on the still or pause mode.
Well in short, its an affordable piece to buy and experience theatre at home, well actually in a room.