I purchased this product from circuitcity and have been really impressed by this.The camcorder is really handy in size and the colour LCD screen provides excellent viewing clarity.
I had been researching on camcorders for a long time before I decided to go for this product.I have to say my research paid off.I was kind of comparing between PC100 and TRV 20 and the mic feature in PC100 which is at the top of the cam and produces the shooting noise made me go for this camcorder.
The pictures are real magnificent.The carl Zeiss lens is a great addition as it reduces glare and increases image stabilization detail and contrast. The TRV-20 produces clean, clear, detailed images .The colours come out real superb in this camcorder and the picture looks great.It performs well in low light.The digital video recording offers upto 500 lines of Horizontal resolution
This camcorder has a lot of intelligence built in. It accurately monitors battery life, remaining tape, etc. It can find the last frame shot, the endsearch feature which is very useful -- you can view your days shooting and then let them camera find the end so that you can resume without a blank spot and without over-shooting your last scene.
Another interesting feature is the still imaging which can done using memory sticks. I was able to capture high quality 1152x864 still images and store them on removable Memory Stick™. A 4MB stick was supplied with the camcorder.
There is also an option for taking digital photos which is a real good feature to prolong a moment in the casette.
I was also impressed with the backlight feature which works when there is sunlight falling direcly into the lens.This enabled me to take better shots on real sunny days.
With Sonys enhanced Super NightShot™ System you can capture video even when shooting in total darkness (0 Lux) up to 10 feet away using the built-in infrared system
TRV 20 has option for Superlaserlink system which operates from up to 26 feet away between the camcorder and television for easy playback of video.
TRV 20 uses rechargable infolithium batteries which make it longer lasting.
The only drawbacks I found are with the digital zoom and the bottom loading tape mechanism which makes it difficult to load a new cassette while the camcorder is on a tripod.
when using digital zoom the steady shot feature does not seem to work.The night shot comes out kind of greeny but it is clear and adequate.
The pictures produced by this camcorder are great . The camcorder menu is easy to operate and access.All in all this is a great camcorder