In our day-to-day life, we come across so many moments, which we just want to preserve, so that we can share them with our near and dear ones and we can also relive those moments, whenever we feel like. We can do it many ways. Some write it down in their diaries; I also do that. But we rarely read out our diary to anybody else: they are something very personal. Being an engineering student, I prefer to do it in a technical way!!!
So I have a camera and I take snaps of all those “precious moments” whether they belong to me or to somebody else for whom I care. I have a SONY-DSC-P72 smart zoom digital camera. It was a gift from my brother and sis-in-law. And I think this was the best gift I ever got. (Thanks a lot to bhai and bhabhi!!!) I had a keen desire to have an advanced camera as I always wanted to take snaps of the sky, the flowers, my friends, my college, my family members, and everything I like. Let me start from the technical background. The SONY-DSC-P72 digicam has got 3.2 mega pixels, 3X optical zoom. You can take photographs in various modes, viz- normal, burst etc. It can have various image sizes as per your requirement, such as- 3.1m, 2.8m, 2.0m, 1.2m, vga. In vga image size mode the zoom can be up to 9.6X. You can take snaps wherever and whenever you want, as it can work in the night as good as in the day time. It has an automatic flash system, which makes photography easier even at a place having a lighting problem.
There are so many other features like video shooting, taking photographs in sepia, gray, black & white or in negative mode etc. It has also got a ‘micro’ option by which we can take clear photographs of small things like flowers, butterflies, and etc. there is a timer also. (So I can also join my friends in front of the camera rather being behind the camera!!!) There are so many good fill-roll cameras in market. But there are some advantages of having a digital camera over all those ones. Like, an unprofessional photographer (like me!!!!) can actually see whether the snap is good or not after clicking and then it can be deleted and a fresh snap can be taken: No wastage of roll.
Again no need to carry extra roll with you as the number of snaps depends upon the memry size of the memory stick. I have a 256 MB sony memory stick. You can also have more. This digicam is portable and very light, so you will be very comfortable in carrying this camera with you on any type of journey. Handling the digicam is also very easy. Just keep away from water, do not look at the sun through the lens and you are done. And you should also remember not to touch the lens while it is coming out or going in, and to recharge the batteries regularly. I should also say you that do not take snaps of people without their permission and do not misuse anybody’s photograph; otherwise you and your camera are in danger!!!!
AND this camera is very eye catching so be aware of thieves!!!! During my college picnic I took my digicam with me and took so many snaps starting from the beautiful nature around me to my mischievous friends. After I came back, I downloaded those photographs as well as movies to my pc and made cds. Then I distributed those cds among my friends. It was a great pleasure to see them admiring my work. Occasionally I take my camera to the college and click as many snaps as I can. I have decided that finally I will make cds and give them to my friends as the parting gift while leaving the college, so that we can re-celebrate those golden moments not once but as many times as we want.
We can also share our snaps with other persons via Internet. No need of scanning them. Only you have to do is download them from the camera to the pc, attach the file to your e-mail and send it. With this digicam, the world came somewhat closer to me. I can preserve each moment I like. I am a sky-lover (don’t laugh please!!!). Most of the afternoons I go to the terrace and take snaps of various moods of the sky. It brings me real pleasure. I hope that by this review I can bring out some more photographers among the msians. So all the best and “click” at every pleasant moment. I am sure those snaps will bring smiles on your and your loving ones’ faces. So “SAY CHEESE……