W890i is a truly lifestyle phone , loaded with all features that u need in perfect phone.
This phone is from sony erricson and that too of walkman series which provides best sound quality on head phones. Mega bass is provided for enriching the sound quality. It is very simple looking and light weighted phone nearly about 80 gms. It has a 3.2 MP high quality camera for good quality pictures and videos and also provided with additional (secondary) VGA camera for video calling.
Memory is extendable upto 4 GB which is enough for storing lots of songs and videos.
Battery talk time is upto 9.3 hours and standby time is 360 hours.
You can get this phone in 13000 to 14000 bucks which I found little bit costly as all these features u can get in K790i also except secondary cam and that too in less price. But for music lovers this could be the better option. So consider all these points before buying this.