K750i is quite a good mobile with all features like 2MP Camera, kewl display, sleeky.. what not..!!
But there are few more requirements what I would expect a mobile to have when I shell out 12 grants on it. I would love to see SE mobiles inter - operable with nokia phones as well.. When you go on a website u have got loads of fun stuff for Nokia.. but u have very few for SE.. few are pay stuff as well.
About the GPRS stuff, it jus sucks on SE. I thought it was the service provider and then tried a new one. It was again the same thing. Also, the browser which was preloaded..!! It sucks big time...
Had to download Opera for a convenient use.
You cannot use the handsfree and the charger both at the same time..!!
Quite a good and worthy mobile.. but it wud have been good if all the features work best.. rather than jus having it..!!