Decided to buy a basic model, so just had a look at the starting models of each company, and decided on Sony ericsson J 132 on a whim. Am I dont regret it one bit.
Its got an amazing battery life - Its been 4 days now and theres still about a third of battery still left. Ive talked on the phone only about 2 hours(info from the call timer), but I do listen to the radio for a couple of hours each day. So, am pretty amazed at the battery life.
The radio is real good. With my previous phones, I wasnt able to listen to the radio in my office before. The reception was very poor. But no problems with this one. The ear phone jack is the 3.5 MM variety which means you can use pretty much any regular ear phone. Thats a definite plus.
The only drawbacks, are that there are noprofiles, so you changes like going into silent mode, switching on vibration, etc can get tedious.