My Sony Ericsson Phone K750i is nearly 3 years old. The battery charge used to stay for nearly 5-7 days when I bought it. Now it has deteriorated to less than 1 day of charge.
I looked for an original replacement battery BST-37 in almost all the showrooms and Sony Ericsson Service Centers in Bangalore for nearly 1 month. I could not find any batteries as they said the battery is not being supplied from Singapore.
I tried buying a battery from a local shop, (obviously a duplicate vendors battery). It costed me around Rs 250/- and for first few days the charge stayed for 2 days and then even that went the same way of getting charged multiple times in a day.
Today again I called 4 Sony Ericsson Centers after 2 months and they said its still not available. One of the shop keepers suggested me to go through the website for the support. In the contact us section, a toll free support number is provided. (call 1800-1111-88 ). When I tried calling that number it says, the number does not exist.
I check the company website, the price of the battery was listed as Rs 1459/- I am really surprised to see the price of battery around USD 30 for a mobile phone when I can buy a brand new phone . I went a little beyond to see what is the cost of a charger and the headphones additionally. The headphoneheadset costs Rs 799/-( and charger costs Rs 489/-( . The total amount of all three accessories came to Rs 2747/-. So what I could make out is that Sony is offering mobile phone free for the cost of these accessories.
Is this the service support that Sony Ericsson, which is the second largest selling mobile brand in India providing?
Reply from Sony Customer Support Center
From: SonyCare
To: Vengal
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 2:28 PM
Subject: RE:SonyIndia=003-685-513 Product Query - K750i - Thomas
Dear Customer ,
Greetings from Sony India.
Kindly note that manufacturer of Mobile Handset is Sony Ericsson Mobile Communication AB. Sony India Electronics does not manufactures Mobile Phones
Sony Ericsson has a subsidiary in India namely M/s. Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications (India) Pvt Ltd which is a different & separate legal entity from Sony India Pvt Ltd.Their address of Registered Office is :
M/s. Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications (India) Pvt Ltd. Sony Ericsson Mobile Communication (india) Pvt. Ltd.Building No 9A , 10th FloorDLF Cyberciti , Sector 25Gurgaon -122002, Haryana
Hence we humbly request you to please get in touch with Sony Ericsson Customer Care Center ------ (please prefix your city STD Code with this number) 39011111 or 1800-11-1800 or
With Regards
For Sony India Pvt.Ltd.
Support Deptt
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My response
Why would a customer bother what the legal entity is ? I see all the mobile phone products in the same sony website. If you dont beleive me see it yourself to beleive it