I would like to share some info about Sony Ericsson K300i mobile handset. Its a cute looking cool set with just 84 gms comes in two colours, but without Bluetooth technology. It was launched by Sony Ericsson on Feb 2005. I bought the same with a blue-silver colour combi on 15th May 2005 from Dubai. I paid Arab Emirate Dhs.615.00 (about USD 170). It has a built-in-memory of 12MB and no external memory card is supported. A computer connecting data cable worth Dhs.40/- makes it compatible to work with with my PC too. The camera with 4x digital zoom VGA 4.1mm 1:2.8 is pretty. By default the recording time is 10 secs. You can change it too. There is night mode for pictures which is very useful even in darker environment. Pictures can be taken in various resolutions from 120x160 pixels to 1280 x 960 pixels. But truly the picture quality is not upto the mark.
If you save two mp3 songs, you will lose the memory. So theres another alternate to do-just keep ur phone nearby a speaker and record using Record sound. Better quality, low space required. You will luv it.
Anyhow its worth what I paid...