Its my first time to own a sony ericsson. Had the K550i for 2 days already. I love the phone, I love the camera, I love the music. I just wonder what that thing attached on the cord of the headset is. When I press it, it doesnt move to the next song. Or is it only for hands-free calls?
My complaints regarding the k550i:
Keys are too small that I have a very difficult time texting.
The phone is so USER UNFRIENDLY unlike nokia. I probably need a whole week to master the phone.
There seems to be no option to prolong appreciating the wallpaper or screensaver. The screen blacks out too soon.
The ring tones/ message alert tones are ugly.
Short battery life.
In order to type in a number while texting, you have to go through a lot of pressing here and there.
The M2 memory stick is expensive
However, the phone compensates for its superb camera, sound qualtiy and beautiful display. It beats nokia phones in these categories. The 262, 000 color display of this unit looks much better than the 262, 000 color display of a nokia.
Faults and all, I still love the phone. I should! I already paid for it! Ill get used to it someday, somehow.
I recommend this for photographers and music lovers, not for heavy texters.
I still prefer my Nokia 3110 Classic as of this time.
Please forgive me, Sony Ericsson lovers.