Switching from a Nokid 6610 to Sony Ericson610i sounded like a Duh... to a lot of people, But I selected and manipulatedto be Gifted a SE 610i, which was one o the latest Phones from SE. I wentthrough a lot of phones, keeping my mind open and what I found was whenNokia is tooo cool for its usability, there is nothing to beet SEs technology...
Now that I have been using SE for a couple o weeks, the usability issue istaken care (Still not as easy as Nokia though).... But I should admit that this phone is a Delicate Darling, ifmiss-handled might need medical attention.
This Phone has got to(o) hot keys one for Easy display of any New events (like new message, missed call etc), any running applications, shortcuts and internet settings and the second hot key is to open the Browser.
Now that ive shifted from nokia, I have no regrets... I can do videoconferencing, Browse net etc from where I stay...
This Phone does not have a Joystick, which is a Problem with K750i, It Lookscool and comes in 2 cool colours.