When I visited the dealer to buy a new phone, which will have everything that I aspire for and one I can show off to my friends/colleagues/peers, my search finished on just one : The new Sony Ericsson K700i..
With drop down gorgeous looks, superb ergonomics, excellent TFT display in its class (Nokia and the rest does not even come closer), superb camera (again I would say best in its class, 4.1mm, 1:2.8 focus compared to Nokia 6600s 3.5 mm), I didnt have to go anywhere else..
I did check out a few phones : Nokia 6600, 7610, & Motorolla E398..But none comes closer to K700i as a complete phone with all loaded features..Also, the 7610 is a way too expensive and hence I am excluding it from comparison...
When you directly compare the K7001 with the 600, you would see the 6600 does not have FM Radio ! thats something I still fail to understand.. Also, the 6600 does not have a zoom, & flash and I must say it is a bit dated, having been in the market for sometime compared to the K700i... And the 6600 is bulky, this is sleek..You might say the 6600 has a bigger screen, but I would say look at the resolution and picture clarity and not screen size..The K700i wins the resolution/diaply battle over any other phone in its class..
Also, one word about the radio..I have listened to FM on many phones (Nokia 6610, 8350), but none was as clear as the K700i..The handsfree that comes with the phone looks pretty decent erspecially with the beautiful Sony Ericsson logo on it and it has got very good bass and treble when you hear it...You will see the difference for your self when you listen to FM on other phones and on the K700i..
And one more point on the hadsfree..It is much better and clearer to speak and listen with the handsfree on..Also keeps you away from harmful rays (if any).. The speakers are pretty good and you can keep the radio on wheile you do your work..Also, I always speak with the speaker on, when I make/receive a call and the voice clarity is amazing both for the receiver and the sender...again, keeps you away from harmful rays (if any)..so advisable you use the speaker more often...
I have shot video clips of upto 20 mins, recorded sounds, downloaded ringtones/wallpapers and taken plenty of pictures, I simply fall in love with it more and more with each day..
One disadvantage which you might say is the memory card (41 MB)..You cant upgrade..unlike other phones... But from experience I would say it is more than sufficient...2 out of 100 people would feel the need for more memory..And with all the connectivity options avaliable, you can keep downloading stuff you shoot/copy to your laptop/PC and keep using the phone, if you really feel you need more..
I have used Motorolla/Sony Ericsson/Nokia/Samsung phones so far..And I would say this phone is the best till date...
One thing you must remember that like all top end models of cars/gadgets or everything else the depreciation is far too high for these types of phones..I got mine for 17000 in Delhi...2 months down the line, I am sure it would be avaliable for 12-13 !! So, accept a 50% depreciation when you go and sell it (if at all you choose to) 3-4 months down the line..And acquire a new baby which will even better the K700i..
In any case, the technology adoption cycle for mobile phones is the shortest now-a-days like computers and hence when you buy a new phone and keep familiarising yourself with it, chances are one month hence , it has alreday become obsolete !!!! To give you an analogy, my friend bought the 6600 for 23000 , 4 months ago. The same is now available for 16000 !!!
All in all, considering everything my suggestion will be just go for it ! !!