Ive been using this phone for one year and 3 months now. My dad liked the orange SE phone I dont know the unit name but I chose this phone and I was nervous because this phone might give me a bad impression and might not last for me. But hey! this phone really works good on me.
ANd lasts for me one year and 3 months.. haha The camera is excellent. I can put any themes and not hard to find themes for this phone. If youre music lover this phone suits you as well.. A phone like digital camera and an Ipod.. Just buy 256 mb or more to put many songs.. the speaker is good as well.. It has night mode and auto focus... But the only problem I encountered with this phone is the dusts getting inside the screen and it is a very annoying for me. It bothers me. When I use the camera, the pictures get a little blurry and not that good maybe because the dusts.. so every 3-4 months I clean my phone to any cell phone store...