I bought K750i last week. Since then im flooding my mobile with MP3s and application . I think Mobile has slowed down a bit ;( . I can clearly c that while taking a pic in cam. after the click it takes approx 5 min to save the image (quite annoying) . Also v cant keep many (atleast 2) applications open .
Headset provided to listen songs doesnt allow changing channels using the button in head set.
activity menu pops up (whenever a msg arrives) though v are doing some other operations .
During a call when any msg arrives mobile vibrates (if its on) . u can imagine the effect on the ears.
Other than these few complains I wud like to say this mobile is worth buying . The price is toooo competitive . No other manufacturer has dared to bring their price below 16 or 17K for two mega pixel cam . Sony has done a good job.