This is my first Sony Ericsson phone after all my Nokias . It was a difficult and a Gutsy decision ..but in the End I took it ..and am not regretting it at all ...My View Points ...My Model is a SE K800i i.e. It has only two differences .. It is 3G Enabled while K790i is not and secondly K800i is a Dual camera for Video Chat while K790i in only a Single camera. Rest the phones are same in each aspect.Now the best thing is the 3.2 Mega Pixel camera ... specially for my job as a Color Consultant it is great boon as I dont need my Digi cam separately for my sites .
As outdoor and day time photographs are just superb and good for a Post card size print out . Clarity is Truly Good.I bought this on my last Singapore Trip from a Place Called Sim Lim Towers .... At INR 15, 900/- Including a separate 65 MB Micro Mini card I think its a good deal .. though I bargained hard for it.Well The Memory card slot is one thing which I am not happy about .. although its Micro and Mini and sexy and all that but because of its unique size its very costly if I want to go for a 1 Gig card and secondly its not easily available yet in India .
Any body having comment on that please input.Apart from that, the build quality is superb ... the lense cover is so designed that when u put it on a table it sits on an angle so that you can view the incoming call without Lifting !!The keys initially feel a bit tacky and hard ..but soon the Nokia Simplicity got over and now I am comfortable in keying in my messages . The T9 input is intelligent in predicting even the next word as it learns frm the last sentences you wrote !!Games are fine .. Tennis I did Like ..but not sure how long the joy stick will last anyways if you are a professional you wont be playing around much ...
Also it gives u a good feel when you show it off . I feel it commands a certain degree of Dignity by way of its sober looks. I miss .sis applets as for Series 60 OS like in other Brands ... I want to have an Office kind of software for excel files and all that but yet unable to find nor paid nor cracked :-( .....Over All the battery life , the reception , phone book access and sweet features like frequent sms numbers list etc are excellent features of this phone .....
Hey one more thing the screen is great ..large ..and clear but it definetly needs a good quality screen protector As it will get scratched too soon with your car keys .... Rest details you can get on google .... I am very happy with the Phone and new Sony Ericsson Convert from Nokia now ..... I feel that SE K800i or K790i have beed designed for young professionals .. the little things regarding phone usage and all that have been really taken care of ....Would recommend other Nokia freaks to take the plunge, as its worth it .....