Hi friends
I purchased my K810i on Aug 2008. Im very much satisfied with its over all performance except two things.
Problem 1
The files that are being stored in the memory card are getting corrupted. ie., it is getting merged with some other files of same kind or just corrupted. I have noticed this problem for music file and image files that are stored in memory card. Some music files may be overlaped with some other music files. For an image file, it may be overlaped with some other image file or only the half portion of the image will be there. Usually the problem is happening for the pictures that has been captured with its 3.2MP camera but gets curropted only after some time or days(but for not all the images).
If the file is saved in the phone memory, then there is no such problems. So thinking that it may be the problem with the memory card, I replaced it and also I formated the phone and updated the software from a nearby Sony erricson service centre to clear if there any virus threat. But still the problem exists.
*Problem 2
*When we take a still photo with the flash on, the photo some times become too dark or even nothing visible. Even if we adjust the brightness before taking the photograph, after the click it again becomes the same way only. Only possibility to get the picture is to switch off the flash and take the picture. When we use the flash, the cameras aprature is automatically dicreasing. So even if the flash is on, the picture again dark.