Sony erricson k 810. Well its a good phone. atleast the manufactures intentions were so.
I dont know why sony erricsson has this habit always having a phone model that has the ability to beat competitors like nokia and then cut size the model in such a way it becomes and poor cousin of nokia and others.
When it was launched it had promises of becoming a classic handset choice for the masses. But as usual it was flawed with irritating shortcomings like bad keypad(plus higly fragile and easily deteorable) bad loudspeaker ( mostly due to its low output as compared to n95 or nokia nseries) smaller screen etc.
But it has the most stable and efficient camera among its competitors. I have clicked some awesome pics with this camera and one cant guess that they are taken froma mobile camera (check my FB account- adventure island). also among the pluses are its different easy handling of menus , look ( the blue backlit display with steel finish keypad ease just awesome with black body) plus the phonebook and sms features.
However one major area of improvement where it lacked totally was the internet aplications. it could have beaten nokia n series by miles if it has worked a little on its internet connectivity and browing appplication where it is miles behind nokia.
Above all sony erricssons after sales service is not something to boast of and of course its high wear tear are always on the monds of the prospective buyer. But anyway a nice phone. could have made it a great package but as usual most people fear excellence but are happy with mediocrisity ..
Hope sony erricsson has better plan next and it doesnt fumble with it
yours sincerely
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