My experience with this sleek looking phone was quite bad . I purchased this phone in Feb 2004 when I decided to get rid of my old clumsy (but reliable) Nokia. Little were I prepared for the troubles arising thereof. The cost of the T105 i.e., Rs 4000, was reasonable for a phone of its looks and sleekness. The buttons are nicely designed, backlight good, and overall weight and feel were great.
The problems started almost within a week or two of purchase - both hardware and software. Quite a few problems came following one after the other - and then all combined.
First I noticed the signal reception with this phone was weak, compared to other brand mobile phones of same price range. Then when I got to familiarize with the menu, it was very clumsy and crude. For example, in the call register list, all the incoming calls and outgoing calls are mixed up in one list and very difficult for the user to judge. The caller details are also not easily accesible as in Nokia. Many other features like sending messages are very clumsy and irritating. The ring tone is very feeble too and you hardly hear it in crowded places.
Secondly several software problems started - like the screen freezing over when I try to get out of a sub-menu and try to go to the main menu. The phone freezes many times (for inexplicable reasons) when in use and you have to reboot it.
The other hardware problem I encountered was the unnecessarily complicated shaped charger pin (plug) which goes into phone. This quickly develops into a loose contact and you have to jiggle the plug to get the electricity into the phone for charging.
This eventually became a nightmare and I had to get rid of the phone (although well within in the warranty period). Within 2 months of purchase I exchanged this mediocre phone for a late brand Nokia and I intend to stick to Nokia. T105 is a sleek looking but utterly mediocre phone.