This is my first mobile.I baught it because of its gud appearance and less weight.
I am using this mobile since 2003 May.It is nice looking and weight less.Some of its features are also good.At initial stage its performance was good.
After 4 months of usage its charger pins became loose and giving trouble everytime I put it for charging.Now It requires 5 to 6 hours of charging, but it will give back up of atmost half an hour of continuos talk time.The signal catching capability is also limited.If I go any rural area then I cant get and make any call.The other problem is, it is getting struck sometimes while Iam trying to make a call, and it will come to its operation only after taking the battery out and refitting.
Its battery life is also very less.Recently I have changed the batery also, but still Iam facing those above problems.I had bad experience with this mobile.Now what I have to do with this mobile.So now I would like to change my mobile and that to other than Sony ericsson.